A combination of the 5,000-year-old science of Ayurveda and 21st-century biotechnology. A dream that has today become a global reality. We are synonymous with serious skin and hair care developed from Ayurveda, the principal medical tradition in India for over 5000 years. Longer than long ago, health and beauty were fleeting. The average adult life expectancy was 30 years old, as nature took its toll. Then, 5000 years ago, Aryan sages in India searched within the vast resources of nature to extend this ephemeral existence.
Biotique products are based on the authentic Ayurveda recipes, taken from the ancient and original Veda texts, passed down from generation to generation, to our Founder Vinita Jain.
Before the pyramids were built, these ancient Sages created Ayurveda. It is the science of life; the Sanskrit words 'Ayur' means 'life' and 'veda' means science or knowledge. Ayurveda is the time-tested, natural medicinal system that treats the total individual, promoting prevention as well as cure, for a healthy mind, body, spirit and senses. And only Biotique Founder, Vinita Jain, possesses the true Ayurveda recipes for natural healing & rejuvenation.

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